I've moved back in with my folks. This economy's not conducive to living on your own, except, of course, if you earn something like PhP60,000.00 a month. I'm not that lucky. Hence, the change in title and sub.
I've been down with the worst flu I've ever had in my whole pathetic life. It was the real thing, too. Back aches, not just aches and pains. And loss of appetite. Now, when that happens, I'm really sick. So now I'm a bit lighter but just as mean-spirited as ever. This morning on my way to work, I managed to piss off another motorist who was in an obvious hurry. Apparently, he was already late for work.
Well, it wasn't my fault he was late. If you're late, there's no one else to blame but yourself. So don't take it out on the other working stiffs on the road on their way to work. But my friends tell me one of these days, they'd just read about my being shot on the road in a traffic altercation and they wouldn't be surprised. I really shouldn't be so mean but people insist on bringing it out in me.
My Carl called yesterday. The thought of this guy just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over, I just want to melt. He has such a warm fuzzy laugh, and I miss his warm fuzzy beard, which he says he's shaved off. I don't care. I just miss him and I want to be with him soon. Make a new beginning. Re-invent myself. Pick myself up, dust myself off, start all over again.