Ma, I'm Home!

40s, single, professional and female, living away from home.

Thursday, July 22

22 July 2004
4:00 p.m.

My dearest Carl,

I hope you got my birthday greeting via SMS today, for Sean. Well! So today your baby boy is a grown man. How does that feel? I imagine having a grown son feels differently from having a grown daughter. A daughter will always be her daddy's baby, but a son always grows up into a man. So congratulations, to you and your son, for having survived each other!

I'm all better now, thanks. In fact, I'm going back to the gym tomorrow.

So you have freshly squeezed OJ every morning. That's very good. But do I get just a hint of regret in your words that you only have oranges to squeeze in the morning? You can try squeezing laundry in addition. Very good for the muscles, you know. Improves the grip. :))

I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend at home. I bought (discounted) cds to watch: the second Lara Croft (Cradle of Life), the first "Babe," which I love very much, and "The Italian Job," for the racing Austin minis. That, plus laundry and house cleaning! Boy! Will I survive too much excitement? Tune in next time to "The Life & Laundry of Emyn Galad!"

Don't forget to take photos of Agnes Water and the property. You should compile an album of the construction of the house up there. It's bound to be exciting. I'd love to be there to do just that. And put up a blog! Serialize the construction of the house, describe in detail the technicalities in constructing a Queenslander, record the agonizing moments and frustrations of the owner in not having his wishes followed to the letter. Wow! What drama! I would LOVE to pester the building crew! Not to mention the owner. And what about video footage? Yes! A documentary about the construction! Wow! Exciting! That's a great idea. Too bad you won't be around most of the time during the construction.

Do drive carefully, and stop when you feel tired. And don't drink while driving! I know your good buddies are gonna be with you, and when men get together, they tend to forget to act their age. So I expect you guys to act like the ol' farts that y'are. Aaarrrggh! Be a good boy, ok? I'll be hoping to talk to you over the weekend.

Happy birthday again to Sean!

Love you,



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