Email exchange: Cliff

From me:
Now, why would I find it relevant, this gorgeous woman asking a complete nerd out on a date?
I've just come from a meeting with the clinical risk management team, a group of doctors who we (the Committee) expect to stand in as a risk management team for the clinical aspect of the hospital operations. What a complete disappointment. We started talking about standards of care and things went swimmingly; then we started to talk about performance evaluation of doctors and all hell broke loose. Well, maybe not all hell but they certainly put up with a lot of resistance. Well, maybe not all of them. half of them did, especially the fat, ugly, oily-faced guy in the corner who probably thought he was something of a person. He was an all-blustering obstacle to change if I ever saw one. And damn ugly too. It took a lot for me to stop from throwing my shoes at him.
And did I mention he was an ugly sonavabitch?
I am so tired. I've been baby-sitting departments for two days now, seeing them through the first steps of a gap analysis. People are so damn lazy. They don't want to think; they want me to do everything for them. Of course, I don't but it takes a lot of hard work to get them to think and confident that they can think on their own.
I went jogging yesterday morning. That was cool. And then in the afternoon, from 6.30 to 7.45 in evening, I finally got to use the racket you gave me for Xmas. It was so light! It actually made a difference. I played well enough, I guess, but I still was the comic relief on the court. Anyway, this morning, I felt such pain in my muscles I couldn't get up.
I miss you. Very much.
From Cliff:
I did feel focused and alone. With all the successes and the fun I've been having at work, I still feel so unfulfilled. Damn genetic memory!Well, think of it for a second, Emyn.... you have just come from a meeting with the clinical risk management team in which you essentially asked them to join you in a gorgeous venture (date?) and these complete nerds couldn't believe in it. See?
Or, maybe you got it completely and were just pulling my leg by drawing no obvious connection but front ending your story of ugly (even oily faced) defensiveness on the part of well educated men to the overture of a leggy and forward woman.
Fat, ugly, oily, arrogant, obtuse, resistant. What a great combination of attributes! I am not sure throwing your shoes would be the right solution. Taking them off and pounding the toxic insects into the floorboards might have been better, because I am sure you were describing a cockroach.
Anyway, glad to hear I am not the only one to make your legs too sore to walk. Gawd, we had fun, eh?
I am sure your technique on the court will improve with practice. Proud of you for running, I am.
I miss you too. I miss me as well. I still feel like I am somewhere between dimensions. Home is awfully nice. The closeness is awfully nice too. The conversations we had were dizzying. The clear and deep blue sky and crisp air have been a relief. The dog was so goddam happy to find out I wasn't gone for good after all. The women of my life here have been so attentive and playful. And, I have an image of you walking away from the hotel looking focused and alone. I felt so there. I feel so here. I have slept better than I have in a month, but need more. Maybe I will be happier and more sanguine about all the funny incongruities of my life when I rest up some more.
In the meantime, you keep kicking 'em in the shins over there, girl. I look forward to the next installment of "Emyn Galad, Quality Warrior of Pluto!" when next we meet in cyberspace.
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