Ma, I'm Home!

40s, single, professional and female, living away from home.

Wednesday, November 15

After writing that entry last night, I rested my head on my arms and cried. Quietly, so as not to alarm my roomies who were both snoring in their beds upstairs.

Disgusted with myself, I took action. I took all the cleaning implements I could find under the sink and attacked the toilets. It was almost midnight and there I was, furiously scrubbing and wiping. There is something to say about how nice Ajax cleansers smell. And they bubble nicely, too. They leave a toilet smelling very clean and fresh.

As a finishing touch, I sprayed Lysol disinfectant all over. This morning, as I went to pee, a smile played on my face as I took in the fresh, clean smell of the toilet. My mom would have been proud. I was happy.

Maybe I should clean the toilets everyday. Or not.

My life is hilarious.


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